Friday, December 14, 2012

Jacobs Ladder..Watch this one alone and in the dark!

The movie “Jacobs Ladder“utterly scared the crap out of me. This movie is really trippy and if you want a good scare, watch this movie alone and in the dark. I seen this movie over 15 years ago and have not watched it since and I think it’s time for a good scare.


            I’m not going to get into any detail concerning the movie although it is wonderfully edited together, acting is superb, cinematography is awesome and shows some of the most horrifying images strait out of a nightmare. Although, the movie takes a turn of events and a heartwarming twist that will leave at least a tear in your eye. It is still very scary.
            I’m not one to scare easy, but I know for certain if I compared this movie to the “Exorcist” it holds its own.

This is my last and final blog concerning movies, television and the likes of other things compiled for my film class. Thank you for glancing over my bologna and reading my run on sentences , fragmentation and other horrible sentence structures that make no sense what so ever.
Heureuse Nouvelle Année!

If it wasn't for Family Guy, I would (fill in blank)

“Family Guy” has to be one of the most vulgar shows I’ve seen on late night television. I’m not saying that it’s bad; in fact the show is hella funny.  I have seen more controversial stuff that makes you wonder how the show gets away with it, but then again there are a lot of shows now a days that push the limit.

The reason why I enjoy this show is because no matter how profane, crazy and off the wall the show gets, there is humor involved that’s guaranteed to make you laugh. Every character on “Family Guy” has performed some sort of gag that leaves you cracking the hell up. But be forewarned, this show does not hold back on some pretty low blows.
If you don’t believe me, check out the clips provided.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

What Makes The Walking Dead? Neorealism

I have always contemplated what makes George Romero’ s classic Zombie Films replay value so high and why the Walking Dead is such a great T.V Series that always leaves you in suspense wanting more. The answer is Neorealism...

If you can recall from my previous post of what is Neorealism is, basically it’s the happy ending that never happens.  Or in other Open Ended Plot/ Open ended Story.  Watch the movie “The Bicycle Thief”.

First off, the Walking Dead T.V. series starts off with Rick Grimes going into a coma (Conflict #1).  He wakes from the coma to find that the world has turned to shit with a bunch of puss heads walking around eating the flesh of the living  (or what’s left of the living)(#1 Overall Conflict that will never be resolved which is the open ended plot).  He then seeks out to find his wife and son (Conflict #2). I hope this clarifies what I mean about the open ended plots because its finals week and I’m not about to explain it all.

So, to some up what makes this show so awesome is that it keeps the viewer wondering what’s going to happen next. Will they live? Who’s going to die next?  Will they find their happy paradise free of zombies? Will humanity ever be the same? I can go on forever, but this is the just of what makes the show so awesome.

The Walking Dead returns in February. Happy Valentine’s Day to me!


Friday, December 7, 2012

Spartacus- would have never thought?

Overhearing one of my friends about how he walked in on his parents watching this show Spartacus. He went on to say that the show had nudity and strong sexual content but at the same time all the blood and gore and action that takes place during the Roman Empire. Well after much deliberation and also the fact that the mid season of "The Walking Dead" had just ended, I decided to see if this show is all that it is cracked out to my surprise it is!

Spartacus is like a combination of 300 mixed with Gladiator all rolled up into one. The show has some really good visual effects and the story is really strong. So far I am on episode 7 of the first season of Spartacus: Blood and Sand. So all and all, this show should tidy my over until "The Walking Dead" returns in February!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

...of the Dead - George A. Romero's Original Zombie Classics

George A. Romero started the age of Survival Horror with his original cult classic Zombie Movies. His first movie in the genre “Night of the Living Dead” started the fire that led to shocking visuals of people eating people on the silver screen. The second movie that had more grotesque and horrid images of guts, blood and more cannibalism was “Dawn of the Dead”. “Day of the Dead” was the final movie that had the last bit of survival horror and of course more blood, guts, mutilations, cannibalism and zombies so rotten you can smell it.

Romero had other zombie movies that followed, but none of them compare to these classics. His new movies lacked something that he had in his first films. The characters in the original movies had that realistic portrayal of the end of the world, humanity, and surviving the outbreak of the zombie apocalypse.  Even though the first movie is in black and white, the second is a b-rated visual type 70’s film and the third being more modern with today’s film; they still have that survival horror aspiration that makes them comparable to none.

Dawn of the Dead is my favorite film out of the three. I am not saying it is better than the two but that I have seen this film (almost a hundred times) more than the other two. What’s funny is that every time I see it, I always expect something different to happen to the fate of the protagonists in the movie. One of the greatest lines of this movie regarding the fate of the world is “When there is no more room in Hell, the Dead will walk the Earth!” Even writing it down brings shivers down my spine.  This movie is so great that when I first seen it back in 1986-87, I kept thinking about a part where a man is being ripped open by Zombies.  The Zombies start eating his guts and I kept replaying this part of the movie in my mind on the way to school. Eventually I became nauseated and threw up. I was only 9 years old when I seen “Dawn of the Dead”.

There is only a few that I will mention that have hit the money when recreating this same genre of Survival Horror with Zombies. The Movie and Television Show that have replicated Romero’s original vision is the movie “The Dead” and AMC’s original Television Series “The Walking Dead”. The movie “the Dead” takes place in Africa and is very frightening, grotesque and very terrifying. I highly recommend seeing this movie. The T.V Series “The Walking Dead” (based on the comic book series) takes place in the good old U.S .A and has all the elements of Romero’s vision from his Zombie horror classics. If you haven’t seen this show  and say that it’s not like the comic book but are a true fan of the zombie genre then you are a f**king idiot.

For the record, as quoted by George A. Romero “Zombies cannot Run, it is impossible...” As an artist of human anatomy, I concur with his statement because there is no way that muscles can contract as a dying rotting corpse. Although, a chemical induced virus making people infected with a mind altering maddening state, making them like zombies can account for running. The body has not died yet and is still pumping living blood.

On a final note, one of the best secrets of Romero’s original “…of the Dead” movies is that he never explains what has caused the dead to be reanimated into flesh eating monsters. The movies always keep you guessing for example, (Spioler) in the first move “Night of the Living Dead” the TV announcer says it was the cause of a space borne virus or radiation from a satellite returning from Venus.  “Dawn of the Dead” and “Day of the Dead” state vaguely that it is the cause of God’s Judgment on the world.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Diablo - 2 Decades of Visual Hell

The Video Game "Diablo" created by Blizzard Entertainment spans over a period of almost 2 decades with some of the most awesome and inspiring cinematics. There have been three games created in the series with the latest release in June 2012. Every story from the “Diablo” series has progressed and captivated viewers not only with its game play but also the stunning visuals and animations. Diablo 3, the latest game in the series, has by far been the most visual appealing with the advancement in technology and visual effects.

When I first played Diablo back in 1996-97, it was a demo of the game. The game was so exciting and the cinematics were great, especially during the time they were made. I could remember being in a dark cavern with this crazy guitar being played in the background, as I hacked and slashed through all these weird and grotesque looking monsters. This led me to buy the full version of the game and then I was hooked like a crack addict. Unfortunately, the computer that I was playing the game on (Diablo was made for only the PC, and not for Playstation or any other kind of console) was my ex-girlfriends. So when I broke up with her, there went my game play of Diablo.

3 years later, the release of Diablo 2 was out and I was left playing the game at a cyber café. This game was such an improvement from the last and the cinematics were a step up. This led me to build my own computer just so I can play Diablo 2. Again I was addicted and was strung out on the game like a heroin addict.

2012, and the release of Diablo 3 marked the age of innovation and design. Graphics cards, motherboards, CPU’s and other technological advances have been made. Visual Effects are in every movie being made now. Diablo 3 is a reflection of a long waited title that die-hard fans have waited for. Like flies on shit, gamers spend days and nights living in Diablo 3’s game world.

Although I am an heir of the Diablo 3 game, I can no longer play like a mad man with no responsibilities, living care free, eating whatever I want and not having a worry of the day’s routine. I cannot play this game from sundown to sun up like the good old days. I cannot stay home from work just to finish the last level and see the final segment of the cinimatics. In fact, I think I am only on the third act of the game in the beginners’ stage. But, it still does not sway my attitude toward the visual effects, animation and awesome cinimatics of this game. I will always be a fan of the franchise and as you read, I am learning to be a visual effects artist so I can one day be a part of the team that helps make this game orgasmic and visually stunning.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Breaking Bad

The show "Breaking Bad" has to be one of the greatest Dramas I have ever seen. The show mixes violence, drugs, and chemistry into a combination that leaves you on the edge of your seat. The main character "Walter White" changes through the series from a typical family man into a master mind, drug king pin.

When I first seen the commercials for the show "Breaking Bad" I did not care much about it. The actor Bryan Cranston who plays "Walter White" was also the same actor from the show "Malcolm in the Middle". This led me to believe that the show would probably be a flop since this actor (who played a funny person) could not at all play a serious role. Especially someone who sells and makes meth...I was so wrong. It turns out, Bryan Cranston plays a magnificent role and there are no hints that he is the same actor playing the same character from "Malcolm in the Middle". Not only that, his character progresses throughout the series, going from a family man, working two jobs trying to support his family to then become a ruthless drug making, organized crime boss who's a stone cold killer.
Unfortunately, the show is about to end with only one more part to the 5th season. Every character on the show has grown on me and I am going to hate to see them depart.  What makes this show classic is that these characters are easy to relate to and as much as you love the characters, you end up hating them as well.

The Seventh Seal - I am not Knowing but Unknowing.

The movie "The Seventh Seal" written and directed by Ingmar Bergman, is a very peculiar movie. It reminds me of the twilight zone because it has a mysterious aspect of what is going to be played out through the course of the movie.
 In the beginning, a knight is playing a game of chess with Death before it takes his life. The game carries on throughout the movie where the knight goes about his business while Death makes his move. Eventually Death becomes impatient and cheats the Knight by finding out his strategy.
 The most profound part in this movie is when the Knight wants to know the meaning of Life.  He thinks through Death he will be able to unlock the mysteries and have knowledge to understand the world around him. When Death comes to finish the last of the chess game, the Knight ask if Death with reveal secrets to him concerning life. Death responds with they have no knowledge but they are unknowing.

Introductions: Eye Candy before the Main Dish

These are some of my most favorite T.V series introductions before each show starts. They all are one of a kind. When you hear the music or see the first screen you know that its your favorite show and that its time to sit your ass down and watch it.

Walking Dead Season 1 & 2

Walking Dead Season 3
Masters of Horror

Tales From The Dark Side
The Twilight Zone

Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Power of Loops!

So, as I was sitting through a lecture in my Film class, the topic was about “Film Loops”. What came to mind as I watched these films with repetitive loops (of athletes and stories that dragged on forever), was the Adult Swim Commercials on Cartoon Network. These small commercial loops for their late night comedy shows were very crazy. Too bad I wasn’t able to find any on the internet or You Tube.

Looping small parts of a film is quite interesting as well as a great art form. Here are some commercial loops that I found that emphasize the power of Looping. They are quite funny and at the same time annoying. Check out the film loop of someone eating and a dog taking a revers dump, classic films to add to the collection of nonsense. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Sound - Narrative & Place

Sergio Leone
Once Upon a Time in the West by Sergio Leone has a lot of sound elements, one wouldn’t notice if they hadn’t stopped to listen. There is so much sound going on in the just the beginning of the film. It makes you wonder how much sound one misses when standing alone.  Since this is a western film, the sound as well as the visual elements places the viewer in the atmosphere of being out in the desolate lands of a western. 



I’m not a very big fan of westerns, but after seeing and listening to this film, I am rather intrigued to watching / listening other ones now.   Next time I go out into the desert, I am going to have to stop and listen to the surroundings.  Who knows, I might hear buzzards, tumble weeds blowing by the wind, insects and maybe a rattle snake.

Italian Neorealism

I have found my calling and the genre that I would like to pursue... It is that of Italian "Neorealism". What is "Neorealism" you may ask yourself. The best way I can describe it… it is true reality. Neorealism isn’t the crap that you see in movies today with happy endings and heroes or any other silly crap that we are fed on the big screen (or the little one in your homes).

Neorealism in cinema began in in 1945 and lasted till about 1948 with one of the last films in the genre showing in 1951. It was a reflection of reality after and during the devastation of World War 2.

Ceasare Zavattini
One of the most vocal amongst screenwriters in the genre is Cesare Zavattini. He wrote the screenplay for "Bicycle Thief" for Italian Director Vittorio de Silca.

Here is a list of some of the films that were produced during this genre:

1945 - Open City

1946 - Paisan

1946 - Shoeshine

1947 - Germany Year Zero

1948 - The Bicycle Thief

1948 - La Terra Trema

1951 - Umberto D.

When I first seen Bicycle Thief, I immediately thought it was going to have a strong resolution at the end of the movie. But as in life itself, sometimes there is no resolution to the conflicts that we face. The feeling that overcame me when watching this great film was the feeling of being ripped off by the society that we live in and it’s many disguises of reality. I then chuckled and realized it was a great film. Bicycle Thief had poised a reaction out of me, something that movies usually don’t do, only people who frustrate me. I highly advise anyone to see this film and try something different by receiving a new outlook on life.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sound and Images

Here are some excerpts of some sound creators along with video. I did not appreciate some of them, but there are people who do. I know sound is a great aspect in making movies; it is a building block and is essential in film making. But when you have sound that is just nonsense with movies you get crap. Anyone who has experienced bad sound with their movies knows that it is crucial to have wonderful sound to complement their vision.

John Cage
What I'm not going to show you (but you may want to brace yourself when viewing) are some videos of abstract sound creators.
John Cage is considered a great composer of sound, but I do not favor his work. Perhaps Hitler's impression of some of his work can best explain my own attitude for the time being, but is subject to change.

...and then there is this experimentle film called "Boomerang" by Nancy Holt and Richard Serra.

I just want to rip my ears off and plug them with corks or cement. This video was so annoying, it makes me just want to smack the woman upside the head and knock the headphones off her. If you get through the rest of the video, I commend you, but you must not have anything better to do with your life. I had to watch this video as part of my class regarding sound, so I have a better excuse than you.

Then there is Gary Hill, his vision and sound just confuse the viewers. It’s a funny combination but most people who seen this video were confused about what was going on. The images and dialog are hard to focus on at the same time.  This experimental film is profound and I do credit the artist for creating it. Enjoy this film.

Gary Hill - Around and About (1980)

Last, but not least, is Jay Rosenblatt. His use of images and narration in "The Smell of Burning Ants" is very intriguing. I was very impressed with the images and how the dialogue made you correspond to what was going on. This is definitely a must watch film. Some images have been cut because they are too graphic for YouTube. If you can get a hold of the original film, it is one to add to your collection of great film makers.