Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Diablo - 2 Decades of Visual Hell

The Video Game "Diablo" created by Blizzard Entertainment spans over a period of almost 2 decades with some of the most awesome and inspiring cinematics. There have been three games created in the series with the latest release in June 2012. Every story from the “Diablo” series has progressed and captivated viewers not only with its game play but also the stunning visuals and animations. Diablo 3, the latest game in the series, has by far been the most visual appealing with the advancement in technology and visual effects.

When I first played Diablo back in 1996-97, it was a demo of the game. The game was so exciting and the cinematics were great, especially during the time they were made. I could remember being in a dark cavern with this crazy guitar being played in the background, as I hacked and slashed through all these weird and grotesque looking monsters. This led me to buy the full version of the game and then I was hooked like a crack addict. Unfortunately, the computer that I was playing the game on (Diablo was made for only the PC, and not for Playstation or any other kind of console) was my ex-girlfriends. So when I broke up with her, there went my game play of Diablo.

3 years later, the release of Diablo 2 was out and I was left playing the game at a cyber café. This game was such an improvement from the last and the cinematics were a step up. This led me to build my own computer just so I can play Diablo 2. Again I was addicted and was strung out on the game like a heroin addict.

2012, and the release of Diablo 3 marked the age of innovation and design. Graphics cards, motherboards, CPU’s and other technological advances have been made. Visual Effects are in every movie being made now. Diablo 3 is a reflection of a long waited title that die-hard fans have waited for. Like flies on shit, gamers spend days and nights living in Diablo 3’s game world.

Although I am an heir of the Diablo 3 game, I can no longer play like a mad man with no responsibilities, living care free, eating whatever I want and not having a worry of the day’s routine. I cannot play this game from sundown to sun up like the good old days. I cannot stay home from work just to finish the last level and see the final segment of the cinimatics. In fact, I think I am only on the third act of the game in the beginners’ stage. But, it still does not sway my attitude toward the visual effects, animation and awesome cinimatics of this game. I will always be a fan of the franchise and as you read, I am learning to be a visual effects artist so I can one day be a part of the team that helps make this game orgasmic and visually stunning.

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